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81 items found for ""

  • SASS and Gaza University collaboration

    In March, we hosted staff from our partner higher education institution جامعة غزة Gaza University from Palestine, s part of the Erasmus+ KA107 program. As part of the hosting, we listened to Assoc. dr. Janja Mikulan, who prepared a lecture for us on the topic "Individual radicalization through the perspective of trauma: possible connections?" As a faculty, we are proud to be able to create such successful international collaborations that enrich our confidence and knowledge. Jean Monnet holders (#SI40forEU) participated in the event and exchanged experiences.

  • 1st thematic roundtable within the SASS Academic Winter Camp 2022

    SI4.0forEU is organizing its first round table. Several stakeholders from the economic, political and non-governmental spheres will participate in the event, who will share their knowledge and experience, despite student participation. The event will take place on March 3, 2022 as part of the Winter Camp, which lasts from February 25. until March,1. 2022.

  • 14th Slovenian Social Science Conference and SI4EU thematic panel

    Slovenian National Committee of the UNESCO Management of Social Transformations Program, and School of Advanced Social Studies, Nova Gorica, Slovenia „Digital Society and Sustainability” in cooperation with Slovenian Social Science Association and ISA Junior Sociologists Network are organising 14TH SLOVENIAN SOCIAL SCIENCE CONFERENCE on 17. and 18 June 2022. SI4.0forEU will hold a thematic panel, entitled: Necessary policy focus when moving forward in EU

  • SI4.0for EU and Academic seminars at SASS

    School of advanced social studies in Nova Gorica hosts regular academic seminars each month. It is a scholarly event connecting researchers, students and other interested stakeholders. On April 1st, the Module Leader dr. Erika D. Ursic, represented the recent empirical results within research activities made in the year 2021; sustainability of ghost villages in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy. The representation was followed with an in-depth discussion and opinion exchange.

  • CO2 emissions from cars: facts and figures (EU)

    On the project #jeanmonnet #Erasmusplus Sustainable Industry 4.0 for EU (#SI40forEU) in the part of the Change Management course, students dealt with questions such as: "How many CO2 emissions do cars produce? Are electric vehicles really a cleaner alternative? and "There are more and more electric cars, are they also more ecological?" The fact is that traffic emissions are increasing, as cars are among the main air polluters, so the key EU Goals until 2050 are firmly focused on reducing road traffic emissions. More about the subject at the link below: Source: EU Parliament

  • Field trip to Brussel and Geneva 2022

    The professional excursions was successful! We had a great time, met a lot, saw new places and the work that important EU institutions in Brussels and institutions in Geneva are doing. The excursion took place under the projects #Erasmusplus #jeanmonnet Activities #SOE2030 and #Erasmusplus #jeanmonnet Activities #CPE2030 with the participation of external stakeholders, students, academic colleagues and us Jean Monnet holders (#SI40forEU).

  • 1st sustainable exchange day at FUDŠ/FAM

    You are invited to a wonderful event, which will take place in the premises of both Faculties at Leskoškova 9e, on Friday, April 22, 2022, from 2:30 p.m. onwards. At 4:30 p.m., a workshop on the topic of climate change, »Climate Fresk« will be held by volunteer Petra Novotna from Zavod Voluntariat. We invite you to join us in as many numbers as possible.

  • Call for submission of articles - 14TH SLOVENIAN SOCIOLOGICAL CONFERENCE (SSSC)

    The National Committee of the Social Change Management Program MOST and the Faculty of Advanced Social Studies Nova Gorica, in cooperation with the Slovenian Sociology Conference and the Network of Young Sociologists ISA, invite submissions for the 14th Slovenian Social Science Conference on the topic - 👉 The return of history? New confrontations with old social challenges. 👉 Deadline for contributions (maximum 400 words): April 29, 2022 👉 Notice of acceptance of contribution: May 16, 2022 👉 Application deadline: May 30, 2022 More information: Especially in courses related to sustainability in industry and digitization, such as the courses that are part of #jeanmonnet #erasmuspus #SI40forEU (Sustainable Industry 4.0 for EU), students are encouraged to contribute with their research tasks and thus enrich their experience.

  • Debate session within the SI4.0forEU project

    On the outskirts of the European Union - in the center of Asia and on the outskirts of globalization. Asia and its strategic importance for the European Union. 👉 Today, January 20, 2022, at 4:30 p.m. live at the FUDŠ Nova Gorica premises and/or online. 👉 Speaker: Prof. dr. Igor Jelen, Department of Economic and Political Geography, University of Trieste 👉 Zoom link: You are invited to the debate table as part of the Jean Monnet Module, entitled Sustainable Industry 4.0 for European Union (#SI40forEU), project leader doc. dr. Erika D. Uršič, who actively participates in the activities of other Jean Monnet Projects. The Module leader will host one of the most known economic geographer in FVG, Italy.

© 2023 Copyright FUDS/School of Advanced Social Studies - all rights reserved. Website designer and editor - Erika D. Ursic


Call: ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH; Type of Action: ERASMUS-LS; Acronym: SI4.0forEU; Current Phase: Grant Management; Number: 101047744

"The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

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