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16th Slovenian Social Science Conference -  thematic panel of SI4.0forEU

The thematic section dedicated to the SI4.0forEU project at this year's conference on October 25th and 26th, both in-person and online, provided a platform for diverse stakeholders, including students, academic staff, Jean Monnet holders, and the general public, to converge under the overarching theme of "EU and constructing an approach to Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development."

Led by Erika Džajić Uršič, the session aimed at fostering networking and sharing best practices, featuring presentations that delved into critical aspects of sustainable development. Notably, Robert Birungi explored the environmental challenges faced by the Banyoro ethnic community in Uganda, emphasising the need for cultural resistance against modernity's adverse impacts. The team from Slovenia, including Erika D. Ursic, Simon Muhič, Urška Fric, and Alenka Pandiloska Jurak, highlighted their research on industrial symbiosis and the transition to a circular economy, aligning with Sustainable Development Goal 12. The event successfully engaged participants in discussions, offering insights into the intersection of tradition, culture, and sustainability.


Additionally, a student from the #SI4.0forEU project presented a case study on reducing food loss in Slovenia, underscoring the importance of addressing this global challenge for food security, resource conservation, and environmental sustainability. The session, attended by 22 people in Ljubljana and 16-18 people via Zoom, concluded with meaningful discussions and considerations for future policy directions in Slovenia and the EU.

Debatno omizje v sklopu Zimskega Tabora 2022/ Debate with the industry within the Winter Camp 2022

The FUDS/SASS Winter Camp has been held every year as an internal event among SASS/ Faculty of Information Studies/Faculty of media Ljubljana (since 2010) and the purpose of this event is to enable communication between university professors, researchers, advanced students, policy-makers, professionals, industry representatives and civil society, with the purpose of mutual learning and exchange of experience, ideas.

The debate on Winter Camp was organized as a discussion led by the moderator and four panellists (from academia, the business sector, civil society and public administration) with the ability of the audience to be engaged freely in the debate. 

This year's topic was European engagement in the sustainable development of the industry and digitalization.

Programme for the 1st-year session:

  • Introductory presentation of the JM Module SI4.0forEU and activities within the project;

  • Presentation of research of selected students at the master's level with an emphasis on their social impact and stakeholder involvement;

  • Debate: Stakeholder meeting. Discussion of topics, answers to student research, their role in this and suggestions for further cooperation. 

At the Winter Camp Round table, we hosted two speakers from companies that are dealing with the sustainable development of the heat pumps and the heating development strategies in Slovenia (in connection to the EU strategies and legislative). One of them is also a FUDŠ student that attended the T1.3 course; Mr. Peter Ferfoglia (GOAP) and dr. Janez Kolar (SinHRO).

14th Slovenian Social Science Conference -  thematic panel of SI4.0for EU

School of Advanced Social Studies co-organised the 14th Slovenian Social Science Conference. It took place between the 17 and 18th of June 2022. The title of the conference was “Back to history? Coping with re-emerging social challenges for humanity”. The main aim was to question what can we as humans learn from the previous experiences that humanity all over the globe went through, in order to recognise the advantages and limitations in coping with reoccurring historical trends. Despite the current challenges to globalisation, humanity is still more connected and interdependent than ever before. In addition, turning the social and political attention to more recent crises such as covid-19 and the Russian aggression have not made the other problems, such as the issues of social and environmental sustainability disappear – but only made them even worse. The situation thus challenges the social scientists and experts dealing with social transformations to see“.

The theme was related to the implementation of a sustainable Europe 2030 and the bringing of rich, smart and large-scale development. The theme of the section that has been at the forefront this year: "The necessary direction of policy in progress in the EU". The session was followed by an introductory presentation of the module and its activities, a presentation of the main speakers with a discussion or presentation of international, and national participants and students. At the session were invited Mr Rajko Leban, CEO of the Goriška Local Enviroment Agency, where the mission of it is the acceleration of the adoption of practices and technologies with a view to achieving regional energy self-sufficiency in Goriška and also behind the borders and dr. Urška Fric, researcher and innovator of the platform E-simbioza.

© 2023 Copyright FUDS/School of Advanced Social Studies - all rights reserved. Website designer and editor - Erika D. Ursic


Call: ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH; Type of Action: ERASMUS-LS; Acronym: SI4.0forEU; Current Phase: Grant Management; Number: 101047744

"The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

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