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About the Module​

Jean Monnet Module titled Sustainable Industry 4.0 for European Union (SI4.0forEU) is dedicated to:

a) to establish the academic core to improving the awareness of EU challenges referring to new EU industrial change and support through its industrial policy and through research and infrastructure. Dealing with the phenomena of Sustainable Industry, outline forthcoming interdisciplinary research program and related materials as a mechanism for improving the implementation of the EU grand strategy Europe 2050 and

b) student-focused education with the aim to develop independence and critical thinking of the student but nevertheless also contribute to the social cohesion and local environmental sustainability.

As advanced interdisciplinary EU studies, the Module attempted to offer learning tools that could be utilised in other environments throughout Europe, to contribute to awareness of EU grand strategies and their implementation through other programmatic documents. It is important to mention Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to point out in particular Goal 4 (Target 4.7 aims by 2030, to ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development), and Goal 7 aims at ensure universal access to affordable, reliable, and modern energy services and substantially increasing the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix by 2030. and Goal 12 aims at ensuring responsible consumption and production patterns everywhere in the world because they relate to European (EU) stories. The title of the Module reveals that industrial sustainability (4.0), whose prominence overlaps with the speeding-up of digitalization and information society, transcends the boundaries of various systems, also including social systems.

Teaching and study materials

It will go deeper with strategic, interdisciplinary, internationalised, excellent and applicable orientations towards European Union studies included as which are shaped by:

a) subjects with substantial examples within the EU-related issues in terms of research and teaching activities.

Evaluation report


The Module Reports will be based on the results from quality control and monitoring activities, content analysis of online discussions and media publications, and other materials, such as students' considerations of the courses and their reports; some recommendations and guidelines for the project.

Sparkles of news

The Module is aiming to improve the visibility of the topic in a wider academic and wider national and international environment through the various (online) communities. Dissemination of the project will be targeted directly or through already established online social canals and media and mass media utilizing the existing SASS network and through Jean Monet's online community.

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Call: ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH; Type of Action: ERASMUS-LS; Acronym: SI4.0forEU; Current Phase: Grant Management; Number: 101047744

"The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

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