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  • Visiting the University of Trieste

    On October 13, dr. Erika D. Uršič, holder of #jeanmonnet #erasmusplus #SI40forEU was a guest at the University of Trieste. As part of the Political-Economic Geography course (at DISPES), she lectured on the topic: "Un tema geopolitico attuale: l'affermazione di nuove forme di "imperialismo straccione" / Current geopolitical topic: the emergence of a new "fragmented imperialism".

  • Promoting The Western Balkans Sustainable Energy Journalism Award

    The Western Balkans – Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Albania, and Kosovo – are still experiencing major health and environmental problems due to the widespread use of fossil fuels. This is largely due to the lack of awareness on this topic in the region. Therefore, Slovenia’s School of Advanced Social Studies (Fakulteta za uporabne družbene študije Nova Gorica – FUDŠ in process of merging with Faculty of Media Ljubljana) is launching the Sustainable Energy Journalism Award to identify the best journalistic pieces on sustainable energy in the Western Balkans region. Authors/journalists are invited to apply for the Sustainable Energy Journalism Award by 10 October 2022. Media outlets as well as individual journalists can submit their articles/online stories/video materials published between 1 January 2020 and 30 September 2022. The 3 winners – each coming from a different Western Balkan country – will be announced and awarded at the final event taking place by the end of 2022, which will include a sustainable energy debate with experts and media representatives. The application form is available HERE. Thank you for submitting your journalistic pieces. Contact person: Erika D. Uršič, FUDŠ Slovenia E-mail: *** About the project This year’s Sustainable Energy Journalism Award, organised by FUDŠ, will be the first of its kind in the region. The jury will include faculty representatives, along with representatives of green energy companies and communication experts from PR agencies and think tanks. The project will start with an open call for regional media outlets and individual journalists to submit their articles/online/video published between 1st January 2020 and 30th September 2022. The submission deadline is 10th October 2022. Following an evaluation from each of the jury members by the end of October, the jury will meet online and name the 3 winners (journalists) by mid-November 2022. Each of the winners will be from a different country. After this process, FUDŠ will organize an event with a round table debate on energy and the environment with experts and journalists, followed by the announcement of the award winners. Each winner will receive a prize in the amount of 200 EUR. Journalists from the wider SEE region and partners (including the jury) will be invited to attend the event. After the event, the organizer will send press releases to the regional media to ensure that the award (and the project as a whole) gains ample visibility, with the main aim of ensuring that the topic of sustainable energy is recognized as a must in building a better future in the region.

  • Survey on Intellectual Property Rights Skills and Needs

    [Survey] Dear all. We are forwarding a kindly request of our research colleagues, members of international consortia, to implement an Erasmus + EU funded project entitled “Developing skills in Intellectual Property Rights Open Data for sustainability and circularity (IPR4SC)”. The IPR4SC team kindly asks you to help us by answering a short survey related to IPR needs and competencies. You can access the survey here: The project aims to address the needs of the EU inventors, either working for SMEs or trained in Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and Vocational Education and Training (VET), to boost their competencies in using IPR for digital, sustainable and circular innovations. The final goal is to build training materials and aiding tools for IPR to help students, professors, specialists and businessmen in their work. For additional communication, you can contact one of our partners via email:

  • FUDŠ Survey

    Since your #opinion means a lot to us and we want to build on a positive user experience in communication with our stakeholders, we have prepared a short survey questionnaire for you. #The survey is available at #Thank you!

  • The new European Quarter Explorer is a web-based application that guides visitors around the Europea

    The new European Quarter Explorer is a web-based application that guides visitors around the European neighbourhood in 24 languages, 365 days a year. Visitors can choose a self-guided visit or challenge themselves to solve a mystery on a gamified tour. Visits last 60-120 minutes. No download is required, only your phone, headphones, and internet connection. Scan the QR codes next time you are on Place Lux, or save this link! Disclaimer: The items contained herein are drafted by the services of the European Parliament and are provided for general information purposes only. This document may contain links to websites that are created and maintained by other organisations. The opinions expressed on these websites are the sole responsibility of the author(s).

  • Europa Experiences

    After Berlin, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Ljubljana and Tallinn, Paris is the newest city to host a Europa Experience. These interactive exhibition centres give visitors the chance to dive into the world of the European Union with cutting-edge multimedia tools, and features such as a 360° cinema and an interactive role play game for groups. All visits to Europa Experiences are free of charge and available in the 24 official European Union languages. Visit the website to learn more. Disclaimer: The items contained herein are drafted by the services of the European Parliament and are provided for general information purposes only. This document may contain links to websites that are created and maintained by other organisations. The opinions expressed on these websites are the sole responsibility of the author(s).


    Info Hub in the European Parliament in Brussels – September 2022 is the place to connect, debate, and act for democracy in Europe. Sign up today to join events organised across Europe, meet fellow Europeans and keep up to date with the latest news from the European Parliament. Get another perspective on Europe with the House of European History. Subscribe to the House of European History's YouTube channel to watch interviews with some of Europe's leading intellectuals, artists, and academics. Another successful season of European Parliament walking tours is coming to a close. Every Sunday, visitors can take a tour of the European Parliament campus and learn more about the area's history, artworks and architecture. Don't miss out before the tours finish up for winter. The second edition of Park Leopold Day took place on 10 September. The European Parliament Hemicycle, House of European History, Wiertz Museum, Natural Sciences Museum, KULT XL Ateliers and Solvay Library opened their doors to welcome visitors for a community event, and finished off the day with performances in the Citizens' Garden. Disclaimer: The items contained herein are drafted by the services of the European Parliament and are provided for general information purposes only. This document may contain links to websites that are created and maintained by other organisations. The opinions expressed on these websites are the sole responsibility of the author(s).

  • Summer School Fudš 2022

    From September 5t to 9th, a Summer School was held at FUDŠ via Zoom with the participation of academics, Jean Monnet colleagues, students, experts and civil society as The continuation of the already traditional summer school is the promotion of cooperation with current/future work within the framework of the cultural political economy of Europe and, through discussion, the development of new ideas and arguments for publications. The holder of the project S4.0forEU have been there as participant and moderator of the Summer School.

  • Call for paper for 15th SSSC FUDŠ 2022

    Dear Sir/Madam! Slovenian National Committee of the UNESCO Management of Social Transformations Program (MOST) and School of Advanced Social Studies, Nova Gorica, Slovenia in cooperation with the Slovenian Social Science Association and ISA Junior Sociologists Network cordially invite you to submit paper proposals for the 15th Slovenian Social Science Conference entitled "Social Transformations: Inclusion and Exclusion". The conference will take place on 21-24 November 2022, at the School of Advanced Social Studies, Nova Gorica. Important Deadlines for submitting the papers are as follows: Deadline for submitting paper proposals (max. 400 words) - September 12, 2022 Notification of paper acceptance - September 26, 2022 Deadline for registration - October 10, 2022 Participation is free. Official invitation attached.

  • Future of Europe in Debate: Insights from a Deliberative Democracy Perspective

    Invitation Future of Europe in Debate: Insights from a Deliberative Democracy Perspective 09 September 2022, 15:00 – 18:00 (CET) & 10 September 2022, 09:00 – 15:00 (CET), Diplomatische Akademie Wien, Favoritenstrasse 15a, A-1040 Wien Foster Europe, Foundation for strong European Regions and the COST Action (CA15137) “Constitution-making and deliberative democracy” (CA15137) are delighted to invite you to the concluding conference on “Future of Europe in Debate: Insights from a Deliberative Democracy Perspective” to be held on September 9-10, 2022, at Diplomatische Akademie Wien-Vienna School of International Studies. The aim is to discuss the future of the European Union in the light of the recently concluded Conference on the Future of Europe and more generally regarding the democratization of the EU. A distinctive emphasis is placed on deliberative democratic practices. The purpose of the conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in exploring deliberation in a supranational, multi-level context in relation to constitutionalism, institutional reform, and related aspects regarding democratic participation. Please find the open registration link to the conference here. We look forward to welcoming you to Vienna. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Participation is open to any interested public. Feel free to share this invitation.

  • SI4.0forEU and 9th Danube Participation Day

    As part of the #jeanmonnet #erasmusplus Module #SI40forEU, we strive for greater participation of stakeholders both within Slovenia and the EU, so the event, which will take place on October 18, 2022 under the framework of the 9th Danube Participation Day and will take place before the 11th annual EUSDR forum, is a great opportunity. We will be there! This year, too, the event will take place in a hybrid format. This year's cooperation day in the Danube region will address the following issues: 👉How can the cooperation of civil society contribute to (ensure/facilitate) a more resilient and successful development in the Danube region? 👉How can multi-sector cooperation of stakeholders support the path of post-war Ukraine and Moldova to the European Union? We invite you to read more about it at:

© 2023 Copyright FUDS/School of Advanced Social Studies - all rights reserved. Website designer and editor - Erika D. Ursic


Call: ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH; Type of Action: ERASMUS-LS; Acronym: SI4.0forEU; Current Phase: Grant Management; Number: 101047744

"The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

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