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INVITATION: Europe Day 2024 - A celebration of democracy in the European Parliament

Every year on Europe Day, we commemorate the signing of the Schuman Declaration on May 9, 1950, which laid the foundations for today's European Union, and its purpose was to ensure lasting peace in post-war Europe.

This year's Europe Day coincides with preparations for the European elections. On this occasion, we remember how important your voice and your contribution are in shaping the future of Europe.

Have you ever wanted to see Europe in one day? Join us here:

Saturday, April 27, 2024

European Parlament

1 Allée du Printemps

F-67070 Strasbourg

from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (entry no later than 5:30 p.m.)

Get to know the heart of European democracy through interesting activities for all ages: information stands, plenary talks, outdoor animations, virtual reality, themed sessions and special guided tours.

The main topic of this year's Europe Day is, of course, the European elections - among other things, how to vote, why voting is important and how you can contribute to the protection of democracy will be presented in detail. Take part in activities and talks and meet European political groups.

See the program in Strasbourg HERE.

If you are no longer in Strasbourg, you can discover Europe Day events all over Europe here.

Celebrate European Democracy Day with us, and use your vote between June 6 and 9!

European Parliament Visitor Team

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