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Empower Your Students with the Election Toolkit!

As many of your students gear up to cast their first votes, we're thrilled to present you with an invaluable resource: the Election Toolkit. 🎉 This toolkit is tailor-made to arm them with confidence and knowledge as they head to the polls this June.

Inside this comprehensive toolkit, you'll find a range of engaging activities, both in the classroom and beyond, all centred around the European Elections. These activities are crafted to equip your students with a deep understanding of the European Parliament's pivotal role, the significance of exercising their vote, and their indispensable involvement in the democratic process.

🔍 What's Inside the Toolkit:

  • Introduction to the Topic: Dive into the essentials of European elections.

  • Guiding Questions: Spark meaningful conversations with your students.

  • Educational Resources: Access a wealth of materials to enhance learning.

  • Quiz: Test knowledge and solidify understanding.

🇪🇺 Europe Day Celebration: Join us on 27 April in Strasbourg and 4 May in Brussels as we celebrate Europe Day! Explore the inner workings of the European Union, understand how EU legislation impacts daily life, and discover how each vote shapes our collective future.

📜 Vote: a European Story Exhibition: Delve into the history of European democracy through an immersive exhibition at the Parlamentarium. Witness how ten pivotal elections have shaped our world. This exhibition runs until June 2024.

🔍 Election Experience Path: Embark on a journey through the Info Hub's 'Election Experience Path'. Discover EU policy priorities, explore the decision-making process, and even step into the shoes of an MEP through virtual reality. Email:

🌟 Youth Hub: For a treasure trove of educational resources, visit the Youth Hub website. It's your go-to destination for interactive activities, training, and learning materials to bring the EU closer to your students.

📅 Remind Me to Vote: Ensure no vote is missed! Students can sign up for reminders closer to polling day.

🤝 Join It's time to act! Join us in fostering unity and engagement across Europe. Sign here.

Warm regards from The European Parliament Visitors Team

Disclaimer: The items contained herein are drafted by the secretariat of the European Parliament and are provided for general information purposes only. This document may contain links to websites that are created and maintained by other organisations. The opinions expressed on these websites are the sole responsibility of the author(s).

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